Today I'm very excited to be joining Kendall at Finesse Your Nest for her 1st ever Trash Picking Thursday party!!!! This should be interesting, because there aren't very many of us who admit that we do this. My problem is, nobody will believe that I trashpicked this. Nobody.
I was out with my BFF Denise and her hubby last Summer when we stumbled upon this antique, just as the homeowner was putting her out for the garbage truck. I started having heart palpitations and then couldn't speak as I jumped out and starting grabbing the drawers one by one and carefully placing them in the back of the truck.
I deleted all of my "before" pictures, but thank goodness Gloria from Happy To Be reminded me of an earlier post I had done that had some. (Thanks Gloria!) So here she is in my garage before I cleaned her up.

In person, it was covered in dirt and mold, but it only took me about an hour to restore her beauty. I cleaned her up with Murphy's Oil Soap and some Old English and she looked good as new. I still can't believe somebody would throw this out.

Crazy enough, it sat in my garage for months while I decided where to put it. Now she sits happily in my Living Room.
This is her at Christmas time:
Isn't she purrrrrdy????
I'm in love with it now and can never see myself parting with it. She stores my collection of antique books inside.
I published this, read it, then decided to come back and add a few points. First of all, I believe I was way too nonchalant in my description of finding this thing. The truth is, I have "picked" up quite a few things and can never believe my luck, or that people throw away what they do. To date, I have not one, but TWO antique chandeliers, that even match! Found on separate occasions in separate locations, many months apart. I've found artwork, tons of furniture, mostly crap, but some good, and lamps galore! BUT, this antique, and I still don't even know what it is, stopped my heart and the day I found her will remain embedded in my brain for eternity.
Thanks Kendall for hosting this great party and I will have many more treasures to show you in future TP Thursday posts!!!
Oh my, this is just beautiful! And NO I can't believe someone would throw such a beauty out! What a great story and now it's greatly loved. I think I need to go with you on trash days, I have NEVER seen anything like this! Thanks for sharing!
Kim, you lucky lady! You got yourself a very nice antique. It's hard to imagine it was put at the curb. You ARE lucky when it comes to trash pickin. I never see tings like what you've described on trash day!
Thanks for sharing your treasure
GET OUT......girl, you found this in someone's TRASH??????? Oh my lands, you must the luckiest girl in the world!!! It's gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It looks great and I'm so glad you have it!!
Kim you did a post about this when you first found it...look for it girl and then you can show people what it did look like before...Still love the piece and also can't believe someone would dump what I pay top $$ for ha ha!! Hope you have your honey have a GREAT Valentine's weekend my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I remember when you found this treasure. The owner would be happy to know how much you love it!
Wow! What a beautiful piece of furniture - and for free! You really did good.
OMG is all I can say...that truly is a beautiful piece and you were very lucky to stumble upon her.
What a find! It was meant to be yours because you will tresure it!
I have to drive around differnt area! (Love your playlist-my fav soundtrack)
Now that's what I call trash diving find of the year! It's amazing what cleaning a piece can do. The owner just couldn't see the potential, and you did.
I sure wish my neighbors would throw out good stuff, but they never do and most of them are so snooty that they would gasp if they caught me looking through their trash! lol
Wow in the trash??? What was she thinking????
Wow! It is gorgeous! Great find.
Can't wait to see you house tour at the party next week!
NO WAY!! What kind of nut would throw that away?! It's beautiful! And you are one lucky girl to find such awesome things :) I'm sooooo jealous...
Kim! Thanks for linking up to my party!
OMG, this is SERIOUSLY like the BEST trash pick I've ever seen. WOW!
And you did a great job cleaning it up, which by the way, is usually the only thing these furniture finds need. Just a little TLC.
I wonder what these people are thinkin, but hey! It only benefits us right. Keep putting perfectly wonderful furniture on the curb,and I'll keep pickin' it!
Can't wait to see what you share with us next week!
Kim -
Well, I apologize. Here I am posting a comment on your blog site in order to respond to a comment you left on mine. That's how new I am at this whole thing! For some reason cannot find a way to respond to your comment via my own blog site. Anyway - that's another subject for later today when I actually have time to figure it all out.
You might want to delete this comment from your comment listing since it is a conversation. :)
So - wanted to say thanks for visiting and commenting on my new little blog. I'm having fun with it. Now I've got to figure out what to post on there next. When you have time go back to the blog and look at it again - I've continued working on the header and I think it looks much better than it did when you signed up (at that time it was still a work in progress).
I hope you do get a chance to try the Apple Pandowdy - it is so yummy.
Well, to your 3 feet of snow we have 1. But for Texas that's A LOT! But, we're starting to come out from underneath it. I might actually get out of the house today.
Well - thanks again for your visit.
OH MY! You are right, I don't believe that someone would get rid of this beauty! I just love it!
This is really amazing--what a beautiful piece.
Loving your trash find! That is a wonderful find! Puts my faux palm to shame!:) Ha!
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