This month has been full of celebrations for me. So far, I've celebrated a record-breaking month of snowfall, Valentine's Day, my daughter Amy's 10th Birthday, Groundhog's Day (okay, not really), and my one year Blogaversary!
Yesterday, we took the fam to Atlantic City for the day to celebrate Amy's birthday, something we do for all the birthday's in the house. We start off at Caesar's Palace with a lunch at the Rainforest Cafe, and then walk The Pier.
I was reminded that one of my first blog posts was last year's visit to A.C. So hard to believe it has been a whole year since I started blogging. Even harder to remember what life was like before blogging!
Like many of you, I was brought to Blogland by HGTV's Rate My Space. I met the lovely Kristen, from Kristen's Creations, on RMS and she introduced me to blogging. For those of you who may not know Kristen, she is by far one of the classiest ladies I've had the pleasure of meeting. Her blog is filled with so many inspirational photos of her lovely home and the talent with which she decorates is off the charts! Kristen's talent extends to her many "Creations" including tassels, jewelry and customized frames. Here she is showing off one of her gorgeous creations.

Isn't she beautiful?
I thought, what better way to celebrate my blogaversary than to include Kristen, since she was the reason I began blogging in the first place. So, I'd like to offer one lucky follower the chance to own one of Kristen's Creations from her Etsy store.

To enter my giveaway, simply go to Kristen's store, look around, then come back here and let me know what you picked out.

Secondly, become a follower of my blog! Easy Peasy! That will get you one entry. If you are already a follower, let me know in your comment. If you mention my giveaway on your blog you will get an additional entry. And that's it!
The giveaway will run through Friday, February 19th at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time. A winner will be picked using the random generator.
So good luck everyone! And thank you Kristen for your generousity in participating in this giveaway and for introducing me to the wonderful world of blogging. You are a very dear friend.

Kim, Thank you so much for visiting and your sweet comment. Allie gets so excited to read them every day- and Happy Birthday to Kristen!! You mentioned going to AC-the Rainforest Cafe was one of my kids' favorites when they were younger! Do you live in the area? We are originally from NY. Please enter us in your giveaway-and we'll be followers too!
xoxo Pattie
Congratulations on your annniversary! We started at about the same time.
I am a faithful follower and friend, and I love Kristen's cross necklace.
Congrats on your blogaversary!!
Love Kristens work THe fluer tassel with the animal print ribbon needs to be in my house!!
I am a follower of both of you
Happy anniversary! I am a follower and I love the bird tassel.
happy Blog celebration...
1. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=39811883 (cross necklace) was my fav
2. I'm already a follower
3. I posted a sidebar link to your celebration
p.s. LOVE your music :)
Congrats on the anniversary! I'm already a follower and I went to her site and I love the second bunny frame. It would be perfect for a photo of my new grand baby!
Lee Laurie
P.S. I love the music that you are playing.
Atlantic City looks like a ton of fun. We have a Rainforest Cafe here in Chicago that we took our kids to when they were younger. Even me and the hubs had a great time there!
I am on my way to Kristen's. I always love a new blog and Etsy shop!! Thanks, Kim!
Hi~~~~ Me again!! I just went to Kristen's and I am loving the monogrammed frame with the leopard patterned bow. My daughter love it too. Her Etsy shop is awesome. Thanks for the link, Kim!
Happy blogiversary!! We have been to AC a couple of times. We like Ceasar's the best.
I have been admiring her creations for awhile. I would love to win her Fluer De Lis tassel.... mishelle
Oh and i am already a follower.. mishelle
I love it all...but especially the bird tassel.
I'm a follower!!
And by the way...congrats on your 100th post!
Happy Anniversary my sweet friend...I have been a follower from day one...and I also follow Kristen's from day one...Too funny how us gals from Hate my Space all came to blogland about the same time ha ha!! Hope you have a GREAT day Kim....Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Happy Blogging Anniversay Kim!
Kristen was one of the first bloggers I also met from RMS. She is a sweet friend and you are as well. What a wonderful giveaway!
I am a faithful follower and I will be happy to mention this on my post today. Hooray!
Have a blessed day. ~Melissa :)
Hi, happy anniversary in blogland! I love Kristen's monogramed frames in black. I also love her bunny tassel...so cute. I am a follower. ;o) Thanks for the chance!
I love Rainforest Cafe since I adore all animals so much! Isn't it neato how it rains inside? HeHe!
How sweet! Happy anniversary...smiles.
Love Kristen and have been following her for sometime now....
I would love one of her pretty frames...
Happy Anniversary...nice to met you.
Kathy :)
I am going to sign up to become a follower of yours :)
Thanks for having a giveaway and I am a follower and would Love to win a Bird Tassel.
Thank You!
Deb :)
Kristen just sent me your way! Happy Blogerversary! Kristen makes such wonderful things, this is a great giveaway. I love her beaded flower necklace (and everything else too)!
I love the Fleur de lis tassel! Happy bloggy anniversary!
The beautiful silver bunny tassel! It is just lovely. I have just discovered your blog this day from your..SWEETEST comment! Anne of Green Gables? Could you have given me a better compliment? NEVER! *smile*
My daughter, who is your age will be delighted when she reads what you wrote. Thank you SO much!
i am a follower...and love your blog.....and love Kristen......
Hi Kim,
I just found your blog through Kristen. She is so talented. I own three of her frames already.
This is a great giveaway you're having. I just became a follower. If I win, I'd love that Beaded Crystal Flower Necklace that's in Kristen's store.
Have a great day!
Hi Kim,
Thanks so much for stopping by my site today! My name is pronounced "Sheila" just the Galic spelling! Thanks for the sweet compliment. Sometimes I really think it would be easier if my mother would have spelled it the easy american way!! ;-)
I checked out your friends store & I am loving that bunny tassel too!!
Thanks so much for the heads up on the contest!
Hello sweet lady...
I was just elated to find your note, my friend! It's been awhile since we've visited! Thanks so much for coming by and for your sweet comments!!! Ohhh my, you have been busy, my dear! Your daughter's birthday celebration looked like sooo much fun..thanks for sharing a little bit of it with us today!
WOW...it's been an entire year??? Happy...Happy Blogiversary, Kim!!! You are absolutely right...it's hard to imagine what life was like before! hehe! Well my dear sweet lady...I'm sending you my very best wishes for another year of success with your delightful blog and much blogging bliss!!! Congratulations!
Kim, I just adore Kristen! I first met her at RMS as well! Fell "head over heels" in love with her fabulous home! She is such a sweet lady...and sooo talented! That lady can put together a floral arrangement like no other!!! How very sweet to do this giveaway for us...in honor of your Blogiversary! I went over to Kristen's and honestly, I would just love about anything that she creates...however, I just adore that pretty silver bunny tassel! Oooh...I'd love to have it!!! Of course, I have been a long time follower of your delightful blog! Yeeehawww...that gives me 2 chances, right? Hehe! I will also post about your fabulous giveaway in the sidebar of my blog. Girl, I'm going to do all I can do for that sweet bunny tassel! Hehe!
Thanks so much for letting me know about your giveaway...and I really enjoyed your visit, dear lady! Again...Congratulations!!!
Love ya,
Chari @Happy To Design
Hi, I just became a follower. I LOVE Kristen's Creations. She is so talented and creative. I am so glad you are having this giv-a-way! I Love the frames, and I would probably order that with my monogram. THANKS!
Wow Atlantic City looks like so much fun:) Aww 10th bday. That's a fun one (double digits). Looks like you all had fun.
I would like to enter the giveaway. I am a follower. I mentioned your giveaway on my blog (http://thanksforthatinfo.blogspot.com/2010/02/bowling-alley-in-house-is-must-tuesdays.html) and my favorite piece is the crystal beaded flower necklace:)
Thanks for discovering my blog, so now I can discover yours. I am also a follower now. Congratulations on you l year anniversary! I have a ways to go. Just started in November and loving every minute of it.
I visited your friends Etsy store and fell in love with her crystal beaded flower necklace. She has some beautiful things! Hopefully, I'll get lucky! -Delores
Thanks so much for sharing Kristen's site with us! I love her Elegant G/T Frame (although I would want it with a P, of course haha).
I am also a follower.
Congratulations on your 100th post! Great giveaway! I love her Fleur de lis tassel!
I'm a follower!
Hi Kim,
Congratulations on your 100th post!
I have always enjoyed coming to visit your blog and I have been a follower for awhile.
I looked at Kristen's shop and I love the rabbit tassel.
It's very nice of you to highlight her shop and give her credit for becoming a blogger.
Id love to win her Beaded flower necklace. Its lovely as are all of her creations.
Im an official follower of yours too!:)
Congrats on a year in blogland!
Hey girlfriend Kim!! Happy Blogoversary! You are having a cool giveaway! You know I am a faithful follower. I love Kristen's Etsy shop. The Bird Tassel w/the Rusty Reds was my favorite! Some day I hope to visit Atlantic City. Happy Bday to your Amy! When I mention your blog in my post I'll come back and let you know!! Hugs!
Kim, I am a follower...I'll be back!
I LOVE the Fleur de lis tassel! Beautiful!!!
Wow, Kim thanks for your generous giveaway and hook up to Kristen's blog. Her Etsy store is lovely. I really like her frames. My favorite was the frame with the bee in the middle of the bow.
Congrats on the 1 year Blogaversary. Time sure does fly here in Blogland.
Thanks again and have a blessed week.
Well it took me long enough, didn't it? Here is the link to the post regarding your giveaway!
...and here is to many more years of blogging. Cheers!
Please please pick me! I love everything Kristen does, especially those frames!! I wanted to try and follow, but it wasn't working...I will try to pop back and do that...and
to whoever wins...it is a lovely giveaway!!
me again...it worked...I am following...!
Happy Blogiversary. I love Kristen's blog and stuff. She's so talented. I'd probably pick her cute bunny tassel or a bunny frame. I have a monogrammed one of hers and love it.
I'm a follower also.
Hi Kim,
Nice to meet you. Saw your blog over at Kristen's. I love her bunny tassel.
Enjoyed looking at your blog.
Enjoy your week.
Happy blogoversary! I have a 10 year old too. Those 10 years sure went by quickly, didn't they? But what a fun way to celebrate a b-day. My daughter wants to go to Paris for one of her b-days. I'm trying to negotiate New York! LOL! Regarding Kristen's, I'm already a follower, but I like the frame with a 'W' for one of my friends, or if the initial could be changed, I'd take one for me! :) She always has good stuff, doesn't she? I'm never fast enough though b/c it always gets sold right out from under me.
congratulations! i love the beaded crystal necklace. it is beautiful :) i have enjoyed my visit to your blog and i would love to be a follower. thank you.
What a beautiful blog...I just started blogging again and have found such creative people and it seems we are following many of the same people...I look forward to keeping up with all of your happenings...Kristen's blog is so inspiring...I love all her frames and jewelry, but I am especially fond of the beaded crystal flower necklace...see you in blog world.
Hi Kim,
I added your giveaway info to my post that happens to mention Kristen as well. Perfect timing!
Have a very blessed day my friend.
~Warmly, ~Melissa :)
I have been reading Kristen's blog for quite some time. Love everything she makes, but especially the tassels. Thanks for a chance to win one.
Hi Kim!
Thanks so much about the info regarding the "snow". I just removed it.
So glad you dropped by my blog today. I would love to enter the giveaway and also became your newest follower : )
Starview Sonnet
Hi Kim,
Happy blog anniversary! I found your blog through Kristen's blog.
I love all of Kristen's creations, but my favorite is the fleur-di-lis tassel.
I have signed up to follow your blog. I will visit frequently.
Hi Kim!
Congrats on your blogiversary! Isn't blogging so much fun! Thanks for visiting mine today and for following!
Oh, and I forgot to tell you how much I LOVE your Etsy shop!
I follow you now, too!
Hello Kim, It's nice to meet you. Congratulations on your 1yr anniversary. I sure hope you pick me.
And thanks so much for the snow info. It's gone from my blog. I did have a few so I have had to really look around for them. And I don't know Kristen so I'm off to visit her blog.
Happy hump day to you.
I'm back, I'm a follower!
Congratulation on your 100 th post. I am a new follower ....I love Kristen all creations but one of my favorite is Elegant Frame....thanks for sharing...Pat H
I love all of Kristen's things. I actually bought a frame from her for Christmas. She does some beautiful work. I was also on RMS, and started about a month before you. She was a reason I started blogging as well. How cool is that? I would love the bunny tassel. I think tassels are so very cool, and i have the perfect place to put him.
Beaded Crystal Flower Necklace. Happy, Happy! ladyhightower@live.com
Beaded Crystal Flower Necklace. Happy, Happy! ladyhightower@live.com
Beaded Crystal Flower Necklace. Happy, Happy! ladyhightower@live.com
Hi Kim!
Thanks so much for coming over and entering my giveaway and leaving your wonderful comment. I am just blown away by everyone's heartfelt responses! Its a wonderful thing to be able to share our passions and our sorrows with so many like minded women. I feel like I have friends all over the world and I am happy to count you as a new friend as well. Congrats on your Blogoversary!!!
Have a wonderful week!!
My Desert Cottage
Congratulations on your milestone! I found you via Kristen. Can't wait to look around!
Happy Blogiversary! I love Kristen's blog (and Melissa's, which is how I found yours) and am in love with her frames and tassels. I would love any one of them, but especially a frame with the initial S on it :)
I am now a follower of your lovely blog :)
I love Kristen's Etsy store and have purchased from her! Her blog is how I found you!
I love Kristen's frames! she has on there now that I LOVE, the "G" frame. The colors are perfect for my home! I would just need to get one with a "D" instead! :-)
I am now following your blog!!!
Kristen is very creative. I have copied many of her decorations. My home wouldn't look the same without her ideas. I love the pink bunny tassle and the fleur di lis tassle and the cross necklace, come to think about it I guess I just love everything in her shop.
I am signing up to be a follower of your blog Kim.
Kim...wow...what a wonderful giveaway! Judging from the many...many comments...it is a huge success!
Congrats on your anniversary...I started blogging after visiting with Kristen on RMS too...she has inspired so many of us:)!
I am a follower and I will post your giveaway photo on my sidebar!
Have a wonderful day!
I forgot to wish your daughter a happy 10th birthday!
Just found your blog and will now be a follower. Checked out Kristen's Etsy shop and, oh my, loved everything. So now it looks like I have 2 new blogs to follow. Thank you and please enter me in your wonderful giveaway.
Hi Kim!! As you know I've been a follower since I started blogging! Love your blog! Thanks for introducing me to Kristen...she has so many wonderful items..would love any :)
You are so sweet to do such a nice giveaway! Thank you
I have been following Kristen for awhile now and love all of her beautiful creations! My fave right now are the toile bird tassels. If I had the extra cash I would snag one right up! I am now a follower and I put your contest on my sidebar. Not sure if I missed your bloggy button or not??
I have been following Kristen for awhile now and love all of her beautiful creations! My fave right now are the toile bird tassels. If I had the extra cash I would snag one right up! I am now a follower and I put your contest on my sidebar. Not sure if I missed your bloggy button or not??
I'm so glad you had a great time! I'm new to your blog ~ over from Kristen's ~ and so glad to find it.
I have one of her frames and love it! I'd like to have another ~
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win!
I commented before but didn't come back to sign in now that I am a follower of your blog...hope this does not mess things up !!!
Kathy :)
Hey there girlfriend!!! I am a follower already and I am in love with her Bunny arrangement. He is too cute! Put my name in and Happy Blogaversary!!
New follower and I would love on of her custom frames with the letter 'B' in it!! Thanks!
I love Kristen's frames and would choose a frame if I won
Christie C.
dctm at bellsouth dot net
Hey Kim!
I'm back!! Yay!! Anyway.. I just posted your giveaway on my blog directing everyone back here to your post!! Come check out my new frame I purchased from her! I love her stuff! Hugs! P. S. Still snowy and cold? We are still having cold and some rain! Brrrrr... Hugs!
Congrats on your anniversary and thanks for the fun giveaway! I love Kristen's Bee frame and her bird tassel!! Hope you feel better. Oh, am I am following :-)
Happy Anniversary!!!
I am loving the bunny arrangement or the monogram frame!
She is fabulous!
Thanks so much
Happy Blogaversary baby--ok now that song is stuck in my head. What a great giveaway. I love the cross necklace!
Hey! Happy anniversary! I'm a follower and although it's hard to pick a favorite, I really like the flower necklace with the colored gems. Very pretty!
Bird tassle with red, green and blue ribbon. oh, how i'd love to win :)
perhaps you'd also like to win some fancy accessories? we have a contest going :)
have a great weekend!
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