So many of you were amazed. I thought I'd do a follow-up post on our most recent findings.
A whitewashed oak entertainment center with glass doors, two drawers and shelves - all in perfect condition.
A pine chest of drawers - also in mint condition. This one was found with a matching dresser and nightstand, but there was no more room in the truck so we were forced to leave it behind.
We went bananas when we saw this one. A solid pine roll top desk WITH the matching chair. Other than a few knicks and scratches, nothing wrong with this set either.
In this same pile was this adorable rocking horse - it measures two feet long. Hand-painted, hand-carved!!! We listed it on Craig's List the very next day and sold it within hours!
This next one is one of my favorites. It's just a little vintage folding chair, but I absolutely LOVE the bones. So unique!
There was a huge rainstorm the day we picked this up, so there was a little water damage on the top, but after googling, we were able to get the stains off with an iron and a cloth napkin - who knew?
It's an antique stereo cabinet. Lots of space inside. Wouldn't this be great fixed up as a wide screen tv console????
Shall I keep going???
An adorable girl's twin headboard - looks like it was hand-painted on the top.
A really old, but really sweet wall curio. It was covered in cobwebs when we snatched it up, but with a little Murphy's Oil Soap and Old English it came out good as new.
A cute little maple end table.
A newer secretary-style computer desk with slide-out keyboard drawer. Absolutely mint condition!
A flame-stitch Queen Anne wing chair. Now people, we only grabbed this one because we knew the guy who lived there. We normally stay away from anything upholstered.
An oak veneer single bowl vanity. Only thing missing here was the hardware. The gentleman was nice enough to come out of his house and help us load it into his truck. Now keep in mind, I had just come from church so I was dressed pretty nice. Imagine what that man must have been thinking!!!!
How about one more???
Another entertainment center. Great shape with glass doors and storage a-plenty!
Now you are probably wondering where I'm putting all of this stuff? Well, funny you should ask! My friend and I just rented a storage unit and spent the better part of last weekend moving things out of my garage. Hubs is SO glad to have his mancave back and I now have a place to go after treasure-hunting, which probably makes the neighbors happy as well.
So what do you think?? I honestly would like to know. During tough economic times, is it wrong to take something that's "free" and try to make some money? Like most of you, I am a Christian stay-at-home mom. The last thing I want to do is give the impression that I'm taking advantage of people. However, alot of work goes into this "hobby". Regardless of their condition, everything needs a good cleaning and there's always the occasional drawer repair or wood putty. I seriously would like your thoughts.
We all have our own impressions of "trash-pickers", myself included. Hubs is still getting used to the fact that his wife is out "working" a few nights of the week picking up trash. Thing is, I don't see it as trash. These are treasures! And by no means are we opening up trash bags and rooting through garbage. This stuff is literally sitting by the curb just waiting to be picked up. There hasn't been a single time where we haven't come home with a piece of furniture. Not one time!! Are you amazed??
It has also turned into a somewhat full-time job. I have been cleaning, snapping pictures, listing and making appointments non-stop. I am contributing to the family income, which is something I've been struggling with for quite some time. And, I absolutely LOVE it! There is a thrill that comes with this "job". You truly never know what you are going to find.
I don't understand how anyone could think there is anything wrong with it. We have sat things out to be taken...and are overjoyed when we look out and it is gone. Had we wanted to WORK on it OR sell it...we would have done it. Heavens...enjoy! Not one thing wrong with it!
I agree! If the original owners wanted to list it on Craigslist or have a yard sale, then they could have done that. Good for you for working hard and being industrious!
I do the same thing. I "gently place" something at the road in hopes that someone will need it or want it! And then I am always looking to pick up stuff I see!
But I have never found the caliber of the stuff you find! Where do you look?
Lou Cinda :)
How are you so lucky to find such nice things? Are you going to certain neighborhoods, are you driving a big path? Divulge your secrets! We wanna know!
I see nothing wrong with it. It's not trash either it's just not something they want any more. You go girl! Stay at home moms have to have a way to make a few pennies and you've found it. :)
You rally did ge some great things - AND FREE! No - I do not think there is anything wrong with trying to make money off of the finds.
Hey! I've wondered where you've been. Was just thinking of you today wondering what projects you've been working I know!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with what you are doing. The items you have picked up are trash; items the previous owners don't want any longer and they threw away. You have rescued them and will be giving them new life. If you sell them, then you deserve the money for all the hard work you put into restoring them. If there is anything wrong in this scenerio, it's the people who throw perfectly good furniture away! To me, they aren't being appreciative of what they have. If they no longer wish to have something, then donate it to Good Will or someplace.
I'm proud of all the work you're doing!
I am all over trash picking! Great finds!
I am just amazed at the finds you make. Good for you for seeing the potential and making them all spiffy and pretty again, for someone else to enjoy. More power to you!!!
YOU DID NOT find that stuff! WOW! You must live in a really fab neck of the woods! I never see stuff like that!!!
How fun!
m ^..^
WOW! You find some amazing stuff on the side of the road. I want to live where you live!
I think what you are doing is great! You are recycling. You are being "green". You are eco-responsible. And you are making money to help support your family. You go girl!
I'm in agreement with everyone else. There's nothing wrong at all with what you do. When I "clean house" I set things by the road all the time with a "Free" sign on it and then I love to sit by the window to see how long until it goes. Last time was 20 minutes. And I would also pick something up if I drove by and saw something I wanted. It's a win=win situation.
I also agree with your assessment on Design Star. Why is it that Modern/Weird seems to always win out? What's wrong with Country/Traditional comfy cozy? It seems to me that this is more real life and how people would really like to live in real life.
You go girl - great free finds !
Better then the dump !!
You GO GIRL! Two thumbs up from me and if I lived closer I would join you.
That must be some neighborhood! What wonderful treasures people are putting on the streets! And how smart you are to clean them up and sell them! I'm jealous! laurie
I do not see one thing wrong with you taking something that was set out-you aren't stealing these things, and one mans trash is another mans treasure. I say GO FOR IT girl.
Sorry-I've been out of commission -- terribly sick for over a week-- but do you want to know how I cut my grocery bill in half? go to Cut your grocery bills now plus I have a give a way and a new Mr Linky party starting tomorrow but Mr Linky will be up by 8 p.m. tonight
Its So Very Cheri
Hi Kim!!
Oh my gosh, I can't believe I have let so much time go by without coming to see you.
You have been an incredibly busy girl!! I think what you are doing is so exciting! There is nothing wrong with taking an opportunity and seizing it to benefit the well being of yourself and your family. I think it's wonderful!
I'm so excited to see where all of this goes for you. So cool!
BTW: You have been tagged. Stop by my blog after 10 am tomorrow to see what you need to do. ;)
Hey sweetie! I wasn't near the computer yesterday and didn't get a chance to wish you a happy 40th birthday!! I hope it was a great day for ya! Wishing you many, many more!!
O, dear sweetie, your darling personality and shinning spirit comes thru this post so well. Of COURSE it's not wrong to take what is discarded and sell it. Not one thing wrong with it at all. I see most things as "a sign" from Jesus..if YOU find these things along the roadside and etc, then HE wants YOU to pick them up, sell what you want, and use the money for your family or wherever you see the need...then it glorifies HIM. Yes siree...I do believe that!
NOW....I NEVER find anything even CLOSE to all this! waaaaaaa
Out here in West Texas, if someone has something like this, they call Goodwill, Salvation Army and etc to come pick it up. I just WISH they would put it out front and let me come by, grab it and run!!:)
as with all things I will go against the flow. I do not think it is WRONG per se, but most people put stuff loose on the curb for people who NEED it.
I think making a profit is fine and particularly if you are tithing your income from these ventures is pretty harmless. I would say for 'truly functional' things like dressers leaving them for someone whose children have none or you donating them to a local mission might be a good option.
Many of the people are just wanting to get rid of stuff and either don't want to mess with CL or with cleaning it up. Items like the rocking horse I would say, are free for all.
Again, there is nothing overtly wrong with it...but the truly functional stuff might be a good way for you to rescue that it and then find it needy homes....while you turn a profit on the other stuff.
I personall have three wingbacks, an entertainment center, and several other things in my own home that were rescues. The early ones...saved my TV frmo sitting on the floor.
BTW-there is a website "Fine Diving Chicago" you should check out.
Sorry to not be head cheerleader...and giving the 'other' side. Even after I just 'met' you throuh Mary's Meanderings!
I think what you are doing is perfectly fine. I don't think people put things out on the street in hopes that needy people are out looking for them. I personally think they put them out on the corner because they don't want to do anything else with them and want them gone! I say, "You go girl!" If those people wanted to help those in need, they would take them to Goodwill or have them picked up. More power to ya, sister!
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