Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My Baby's Moving On!

As promised, here are some pictures of the past few week's festivities.  Around here, a lot of people make a big deal over 8th Grade Graduation.  Personally, I don't think of it as a huge milestone as you have no choice but to go on to High School.  Having said that, I am super-proud of my daughter Mallory and all of her accomplishments thus far.

At a special ceremony for 8th graders last week, she received 3 awards, including the President's Award for making the Honor Roll every marking period.

Pictures before the 8th Grade Dance.

Me & My Girl.   We are both almost 6 feet tall!

The Gang.  These kids are from the neighborhood and have been friends since Kindergarten.  

Mal on her big day!

Now that all of the hoopla is over, we are ready to relax here and enjoy the Summer.  Hope you are enjoying yours!



Traditions By The Seasons said...

Hi there!
WOW, your daughter is gorgeous, just like her mommy! Huge congrats for all her hard work and accomplishments...that is wonderful! Thanks for sharing! XO ~Liz

vignette design said...

Wow Kim, you and your daughter are absolutely gorgeous! Six feet tall? Another wow! You must be so proud of your daughter. Honor roll and all the awards. She will go far.

Jemsmom said...

I know you are so proud of her and you have every right! She is so beautiful! Just like her momma! What my 5 ft. 3 in. self wouldn't give for a fraction of your height! Enjoy the summer!

Laura said...

Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous- as is her mother.
Congratulations on a wonderful milestone.

Have you been finding any treasures lately???

White Spray Paint

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Congratulations to your daughter! You are both very pretty.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Kim, isn't she pretty and you two certainly favor. Six feet, wow.

Kimberly said...

Congratulations!! what a pretty daughter you have - takes after her Mom!

Blondie's Journal said...

Congratulations to your daughter. She looks so much like you!


Stacey said...

Congratulations Mallory! Smart and beautiful all in one package. Woo hoo!

Melinda said...

Enjoy the summer! Good Luck.


All That Glitters said...

congrats to your daughter!!! she gets her looks from her mama! Y'all are both really pretty for Jersey girls! lol!

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

Congrats have obviously raised an accomplished and beautiful daughter! She takes after both are stunning! she looks so lovely all dressed up for the big day!

Thanks for sharing the pics...too fun!


Unknown said...

What a beauty! Just like her Mom. My baby graduated from high school this month. It's so hard to believe. She started college yesterday!. Enjoy this time.
Stand up Tall!

Unknown said...

Congrats to your girl! She's a pretty young thing with a bright future. You're one proud mama, I'm sure!


Rebecca Nelson said...

Kim...You won my giveaway! Come see me! :)


Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

I love this post, Kim! Your daughter is lovely like her mother! What a great picture of the two of you~ you must be very proud!

Christie said...

Oh Kim, you and your daughter are just beautiful...congratulations to her too!

Love the basket that you found at Target and how you decided to use it...Oh and that girls shed in the post down below is the cutest thing...thanks for sharing links to the new blog you found...I didn't know about it...I will have to go check that out :)
Hope you have a great day!
Big Hugs,

Tina said...

What an absolutely gorgeous girl you have Kim! You must be such a proud Mama! Just beautiful pics:) ~ Tina xx